Your Missouri State Fair was created in 1899 to showcase the great agriculture accomplishments of Missourians and shine a spotlight on new innovations that would ensure economic success. That invaluable tradition continues today. As stewards of a phenomenal legacy, we are dedicated to cultivating the next generation. To help continue the legacy, we must also build the legacy.
One of the challenges we are faced with today is the rapidly growing number of goats grown and shown in the state of Missouri and across the country. Currently, youth who exhibit goats on the fairgrounds are squeezed into either the Swine or Sheep Barn. As the number of youth exhibiting goats continues to grow, so does the demand for them to have a dedicated space.
When youth arrive at the Missouri State Fair we want to provide them with an exhibit area that reflects their effort, investment, and achievements as well as Missouri’s national standing in agriculture.
Plans are now underway to build a much needed Goat Pavilion. The proposed location is on the west side of the Sheep Barn on the Missouri State Fairgrounds. To the right you can see a proposed building design. The building would be 132' x 310' and consist of 416 pens. The center would feature a 36' x 76' show ring with seating for 544 people. The undertaking of this project will be costly, but there is no doubt the people of Missouri will rise to the challenge. Please help cultivate the next generation of agriculture with an investment in the Goat Pavilion.